Aladdin 3477 has been gaining steam with the press lately. And there is a lot more to come. In particular, there are 2 fantastic articles available to read now you should check out for sure.

The first is on MARSDUST, which celebrates Indie Sci-Fi. They have a wonderful inside look at the making of the movie that really digs deep into the concepts with Aladdin 3477 creator Matt Busch. They also interview actors Tony Miello, Irfan Shiekh, and of course, Erik Steele who plays Aladdin! Check out the article HERE!

Next is at THE MACOMB DAILY, a newspaper in southeastern Michigan which is local to where the soundstage is that is shooting the production. The article really captures some of the daily fun on set as well as a juicy inside look at Aladdin 3477 that’s a fun read. The actual paper with the article hit newsstands last weekend, but you can read the article Online right HERE!

As well, The Macomb Daily has uploaded 27 exclusive behind-the-scenes photos from their visit on the set that day! Some juicy spoiler-ish content may be included, but if you are thirsty for that stuff, head on over to their Media Center and take a peek HERE!

While the movie production continues (the crew is currently shooting their most complex set yet as this is written) lots of news is coming soon. In fact there are 2 national events this Spring where you can meet some of the key cast and crew… And- Aladdin 3477 footage will be unveiled for audiences on either coast for the first time in the United States!

Stay tuned!



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